Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pioneer Woman

pi·o·neer  (p-nîr)n.
1. One who ventures into unknown or unclaimed territory to settle.
2. One who opens up new areas of thought, research, or development: a pioneer in aviation.
Recently I have been doing a lot of... a lot of things. Taking photographs, baking (primarily Cake Pops, thank you Bakerella and just re-discovering who I am, the person that I am at 25. Now some might say that 25 is a great time in life, some might not, but for me I truly believe I am right where I am supposed to be; that is living life, loving those around me, and seeking after God in ways I never knew possible. So for today, I am the Pioneer Woman of this story, and this is the story of my life at 25.
As of late I have this new (perhaps renewed) spirit for all things kitchen-- cooking, baking, conversations, smells that make you want to die and go to heaven immediately... and because of this I have decided to catalog my experience; not for anyone else but me. Mostly because I know if you continue to read on your mouth will soon be salivating beyond control and then you might start to stalk my house, smelling the goods that are wafting from the cracks of my front door, and that would just be cruel (of me).  But, alas if you must read on, (and see) and smell on, I say smell because somehow sights are connected to scents...Proceed on with cautution because memories of your grandmas or mamas kitchens might just radiate through this blog! 

Please be inspired, or gain your own renewed desires to cook, to laugh, to share dinners with friends, families, strangers, or maybe even your ROOMMATES.

That's really all I've got for now. Other than one final mad props:

I might not have gotten my renewed desire to be in my kitchen, to share my baking, to have to sweet moments with friends, had it not been for a few VERY talented ladies. One of those is the Bakerella lady (whose blog is above) and then the Pioneer Woman herself!
-- Thanks for helping me discover a bit more about how I want to live at 25, helping me to be the Pioneer Woman of my story! 

From The Pioneer Woman Cook Book Pineapple Upside Down Cake (Up) Beef Tenderloin (Below)