“What if church leaders and parents synchronized their efforts to fuel wonder, discovery and passion in the next generation?” By combining the critical influences of the light of the church (yellow) and the love of the family (red) the Orange Strategy shows a generation who God is more effectively than either could alone.”
Over two years ago I was introduced to this concept of ORANGE... take note of the quote above... and recently I have become even more convinced of the importance of this concept! Kids spend something like 3000 hours with their parents and only about 40 in the life a church (per year) and as a Middle School Ministry worker these stats are crazy! I am only going to get 40 hours per year with a student, and now some of you are like... 40 hours with a 12 year old... OHHH NOOO! But seriously this is just not enough. That is not even once a week for an hour. If we are going to make a difference in the life of a student, IF CHRIST is going to make a difference in the life of a student, then 40 hours a year is JUST. NOT. ENOUGH.
I am not a parent and so I cannot even begin to tell you how a parent might disciple their children, beyond that which is obvious... prayer, worship... etc. and so if I am going to try and partner with parents I am going to need new and practical strategies, not to mention the life of a youth worker is hard (*taking a step back to be fed spiritually is a MUST DO!), and the opportunity to spend three days with others in the same field, worshiping, learing, and being revitalized... sounds like a raging good idea!
So. The point of all this is: I am going to bake my way to the ORANGE conference! It is expensive, and I want to raise the money to go. Here is a breakdown of the cost:
Airfare - I have got some frequent fliers... so this can be subtracted
Rent Car - Probably around 120 Bucks for the 3.5 days
Hotel - Around $300
Conference - $220
I would eat regardless of where I am (which you all learned from my past post) so I am not going to include that money.
So. Do you want to buy some delish, bomb digity, cinnamon rolls?? I bet you do. My next post will have the specs!
Much love to y'all on this Wednesday morning!